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Monday, 19 November 2012


Scooping light out of glittering sea-spray
We will walk on soft, speckled sand
We will go through sunlit country lanes
plucking flowers; wild,fluorescent, grand
We will sift through dreams and in between
On their pages touch a note, a letter
While love will carry on its way; for you and me
And together we will cry, chasing a never-ending ever after.

For I Have

For I have soared into the eye of the sun
Submerged into the fire's heart

Made a deal with God's own Word
A pact with the devil incarnate

To feel tears drop into my heart
A smile clasp around my soul

To have and also to hold
to love, cherish and more

To let go before tongues get tied
Leaves crumble, colours wane

To love and love in spite of, any way
notwithstanding, regardless, in vein