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Saturday, 14 June 2014

Seasons within, Seasons without‏

Blue skies above, swirling leaves beneath
Fiery, lambent sun-lit valley

Waterfalls from hooded lids, frigid breeze
Straw houses on tornado alley 

Seasons within, seasons without
Quiet versus turbulent, straight or oblique

The dark side of the moon, the mirror's face
One extraneous, the other intrinsic so to speak

Rub the sides of the coin; flip, precipitate
My sortition, my drawn lot; equal, dispassionate

Mortuary and Metamorphosis‏

Easing out, the casing falls with a clatter.
I step away, I will greet you
Beyond me the mortuary holds me.
I sit with one, my summer death
White top complimenting the black skirt.
A spring one too, paler still against the blue. 
The autumn enigmatic yet, tired. And winter,
burnt out from a wait too long.
Adieu; adieu, I bring the new.
The old out with the old you.

Sunday, 1 June 2014

You hold me thus so‏

Dark days, dull moments, my dazed life
And cups of amber, boxed lanterns,
my stopgaps of light

The eyelashes, a caress on my heart.
Smile a gentle hug. And inflections
of voice a tender symphony

A chink in the armour. Pierced,
And I am held. Whirling up, spiralling
Down. Captive in an unbound light